Why is it important to take back your meds? Safe disposal of opioid medications at a take back location not only prevents opioid misuse and overdose deaths, it’s also best for the environment. Opioids thrown out in the trash or toilet can threaten wildlife and the drinking water. In fact, scientists have found medicines in Pacific Northwest water and soils. Even at low levels, these medicines can harm the health of our environment.
*Source: Washington State Department of Ecology
Alcohol use by young people is extremely dangerous - both to themselves and society at large. Underage alcohol use is associated with traffic fatalities, violence, unsafe sex, suicide, educational failure, and other problem behaviors that diminish the prospects of future success, as well as health risks – and the earlier teens start drinking, the greater the danger. Despite these serious concerns, the media continues to make drinking look attractive to youth, and it remains possible and even easy for teenagers to get access to alcohol.